Sunday, November 25, 2007

Not now, Not yet!

by Yemaya - december 07

For Cha and Cris

This seems to be a repetitive refrain in my life.

Forsaking the past, I vowed to change it. " yes now, yes here"

4 years trying to mold what was visible to my heart's eyes.

A future where you would welcome me home.

Mornings spent talking while brewing the coffee.

Afternoons making love while flirting with the sunset.

Nights for Yemaya, you and I.

Embracing the present, I run away from a similar refrain.

I've heard it all...the sweet words, the loving words

A convincing voice is promising a different shore.

I violently withdraw from the negotiations.

Am I equipped for the Goddess, mine, truly mine?

Yes now, Yes here

She will say to me:

Here I am for you. Now. And Eternally.


Sandra said...

Sister... we seem to be at the same door, knocking with the same knock... damn...
Much love.

yemaya said...

looking forward to some hot Haitian chocolate and tasty stories....when we meet.

Sandra said...

Is a meeting in the stars? Very interesting... my astrology charts must be off :)

The only person that ever made hot haitian chocolate was my late mother but I have plenty of stories.