Saturday, September 06, 2008


© 2008 Sandra Jean-Pierre

How will you meet me?

hands out front
luring me to you?

How will you
coolly meet this primal
gesture of affection?

palms out front
hands to the sky

How will you meet me?
Out on these roads
walking the walk of living folks living

revisiting the melancholy
of your love and loving

arms out front
hands above your ethereal hair

how will you meet
me this day?
this hour?
this direction?

I am finding myself
veering into
away from

standing in this mire
knee deep in this shit

I am running into you
You are slamming into me
I am meeting your flame
You are matching my fire...

heart to heart
hand in hand
fear to fear
lips a kiss

and we are not moving
we are not running
life is not un-doing
itself like cellophane dreams

fist full of doubt
from my chest
to the sun

I scream (!!!!!)

the scream of warriors
not afraid to die

you staring down my apprehensions
me singing incantations of your truth
getting lost
lost in the words of words of feelings with no names

meeting me there

meeting me in the
fires' centers' center


I've no warnings
no strings
no survival guides

How will you meet me?

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