Sunday, February 06, 2005

The Mic Is Censored Tonight

So some archeologist in Nevada find some “black” artifacts in a “black”owned
saloon, way out west
which leads them to believe that
“blacks” were more than just maids and slaves

and I have to be amused
‘cause it’s just now entering their consciousness
that the brown-shade “animals” taken from a foreign
land are actually intelligent

and isn’t that ironic
since the nation of these states
were built upon the production of the backs
of blacks who were made to do nothing but produce

so why wouldn’t we be capable of making something of ourselves?

…but I’m not talking about that right now
‘cause the mic is censored tonight…

so maybe I shouldn’t even get started on this war
and how it has nothing to
do with my freedom or
your freedom
but the Bush’s freedom
to make that paper
that none of us
of color are ever really
supposed to have – think forty acres and a mule…

and I guess they’re supposin’ that
we all won’t be intelligent to scope
what you really don’t need a third eye to see

that this fightin’ just ain’t right…
since the majority of people out there fightin’
on the front line are any other shade besides white…

and I’m not gonna talk about that right now
‘cause the mic is censored tonight…

but I was talkin’ to this friend of mine
about how any great leader
we’ve ever had
hasn’t managed to make it very far beyond go
and how any agitation of resistance
has been met with indifference
until it threatens to upset
the living rooms
and class rooms
and neighborhoods
that we’ve only been allowed to clean and mow and nanny in

–can someone get me a glass of water ?
‘cause I’m dyin’ of thirst from all this hypocrisy
of equality
when there’s nothing equal about earning less for three times
the work Jane does at one-forth her pay.

Hey and they say we don’t need affirmative action…

but don’t get me going about that
‘cause the mic is censored tonight…

and when taught behavior
becomes learned behavior
becomes classified as the way
“those” people are
don’t be offended
when we break out the shackles
and become who it is that you be

‘cause accusations are only
projections of all the things
that your mind manifests into being…

but I’ll stop right there
and I’ll go no further‘cause the mic is censored tonight…

© 2003 Sandra JP

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